Radio Hams

Welcome to my website.

I’ve been licensed since 2003 - a latecomer into the hobby after years of shortwave listening.

I was a Short Wave listener for 20 years before taking the Foundation Licence in 2002. Took the City and Guild a year later and became M1ICL.

Graduated from Salford University in the mid-80's with a BSc in Mathematics, Physics and Computing using PDP-11's and Fortran, COBOL, Pascal and C. Became a software developer for import/export systems before moving to the print trade and specialising in the transfer of main-frame data into a fully automated pre-press system developed by myself.

Slowly began to diversify and learn the Graphic Design and Lithographic aspects of the business as well as the new digital pre-press and printing machines. Now self-employed designer/printer.

Other interests include computing (anything Apple - once I started using their kit I never looked back), photography and internet.


Yaesu FTDX-10 with Heil PR-781

Yaesu FTDX-5000/SM-5000 & Heil PR-10
Yaesu FT-101ZD & YD-148

Yaesu FT-991A


Yaesu FTM-300D

Yaesu FTM-100D

Yaesu FT-100D

Yaesu FT-817

Yaesu FT-5D

Yaesu VX-2

Juma PA1000 Amplifier

Hari 160m OCF Windom

Carolina Windom 160 Compact

(I would like to thank Jim at RadioWorks for building this as a special build for me)

Comet GP-1

Comet GP-3

5 Element 2M Cross Yagi

4M Half Wave Dipole
Komunica HF PRO-2 PLUS-T Vertical
JPC-7 Portable Dipole

MFJ-969 Versa Tuner II

LDG Z-817 Auto Tuner

MFJ 901B Manual Tuner
Yaesu FC-902 Antenna Coupler

MultiCOM AR-600XL Rotator

Nissei DPS-300GL Linear PSU

Microset PT-135A Switch Mode PSU

Voltcraft FSP1133o Linear PSU

Daiwa CN-501V SWR/Power Meter

Wimo QRM Eliminator

Also use MacLoggerDX to link the FT-100D, FTDX-10 and Yaesu FTDX-5000 to the Mac. A superb piece of software developed by Don Agro who offers the best support I have ever come across. Highly recommended.

Please use the links at the top of the page to see some more photos and also some useful links for the hobby.

All the best and hopefully speak to you soon

